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Tools convenient in case of being
The leftmost, black rule used to see boards whether squarely connected mutually (The right angle is seen and the expression "[**] (hold concurrently) is seen" is done by the woodwork term) can be used to see the right angle though is inferior the accuracy of instigation (piercingly), good [sukoya] or the right angle though is long. The price is examined with Rakuten Ichiba [arude].

This is frequently used in woodwork as well as [sukoya]. It is convenient still though there are not too a lot of use in the speaker production. There are variously usages various as the outside, the inside, and the hole are measured. If it is the usual accuracy one, it is possible to measure it up to 0.05mm. The price is examined with Rakuten Ichiba [arude] .
Replacement blade type plane

It takes the plane while considerably until the usage like sharpening, the adjustment of the stand of the blade, and the putting out condition etc. of the blade coming masters it very difficultly and perfectly. It is likely to be able to use it enough if it uses it at the chamfering level though accuracy is inferior to original planes.
Dubbo cutting saw

When cutting it Dubbo, a surrounding board is damaged because a usual saw is shape that the cut blade (It is said the littleneck clam) opens right and left. The Dubbo cutting saw is a special saw that can cut all damage [duni] as for respect where Dubbo was buried.
Nail for temporary stop

As for this temporary stop nail, a quite similar usage can be done though the woodwork workman temporarily stops the board by using the thing that is called pin Tucker. Board..bond..board..bond..hang..hang..slip..this..nail..strike..edge..sleep..tighten..good at..go.There is little power to put on pressure because it is for a temporary stop.
P character type clamping

When parts are joined to the shroud one by one, parts in the sound road part are difficult when backing loading horn speaker is assembled the edge is not clamping not sleep but this C type. The price is considerably high though the one with a deep bosom is used easily. The price is examined with Rakuten Ichiba [arude] .
C character type clamping

When two plywoods are sticked together, it uses it. Naturally, it is impossible in a general environment though only has to be able to turn with [paneruso-] with a press machine completely. Only one the respondent type sticks beautifully if a lot of C character type clamping is prepared, surroundings are enclosed, and it stops it at such time.
Corner clamping

It is squarely [**gu] of joint [surutame] as for the board. It is possible to connect it squarely by using this when the cut of the board (..part of accumulation.. for plywood) doesn't cut squarely. However, [asshimarichikara] is usually a tool because it is not strong to be used so much. When saying by all means, it uses it.
Electric and drill holders

An electric drill is united and used for this. Still vertical though it is the one having aimed at the same function as the bench drilling machine accuracy is not a drilling machine. It did not indeed use it now though it bought when woodwork was started. It sells it by Rakuten Ichiba for 2480 yen. It is necessary to note it because it is unnecessary for the hole if the size of the diameter of the electric drill that can be used is not confirmed.
Vertical and drill holders

Treatment device to puncture place where drilling machine doesn't reach vertically. An electric drill is joined and used up.