Speaker pursuit road > the standard self-made speaker this top
The standard self-made speaker this top
Art of Nagaoka [tetsuotoko] of original speaker design
The chapter of the SPECIAL EITION basic knowledge is drawing [atsumahen] �T and:�U.
![]() ![]() ![]() | It is a resale version of "Art of Nagaoka [tetsuotoko] of the original speaker design" that is the compilation of the speaker production of the Nagaoka [tetsuotoko] teacher. |
Speaker & enclosure encyclopedia
![]() | The author is famous Mr. Saeki multi gate from whom the speaker was designed by the diamond tone. This book is a super-long seller book that keeps selling since 1979(30 years ago). Book on large-boned content with academic proof steady for speaker. A usage the dictionary according to the item can be done. It is a revised new publication now. It is a book indispensable to understand the essence of the speaker, and to do a real speaker design though some is difficult for the beginner. The price is confirmed with amazon. |
Horn speaker design and production method
![]() | Book that introduced theory and how to make wood horn that uses tree (laminate lumber). The author is [**] in Arai written in "Wireless and experiment". Metrology etc. that can be done even at explanation and home where detailed explanation of [furontoro-doho-n] and very abundant photographs are used. It is really regretted that the good book like perfect convex becomes a discontinuation. When this book is not obtained, the article (Mr. Arai writing) that looks like can be found if looking for the back number of "Wireless and experiment" in the library etc. The price is confirmed with amazon. |
Speaker system thoroughness research
![]() | Book published for about 20 years ago. In writing by two or more people, it is very excellent as the book that explains the speaker whole in the beginner situation. This book is different at all from them though the book on the speaker understanding published now doesn't include the book written to understand the essence of the speaker only from the advertisement of the manufacturer. Especially, the introduction of understanding of F0, Q0, and M0 and simple metrologies etc. are wonderful. The price is confirmed with amazon. |
Book on adult science [marugo] and handmade speaker
![]() | Book that adheres appendix that makes speaker unit for myself. It is not a basic matter rugged head of the speaker unit such as "Damper edge voice coil magnet frame corn" when this book is made for myself and it is possible to understand from the body. Source [hare] is done and it is ..person it is.. exhausted. By the way, the one made by the fostex company has adhered, and the speaker unit that can be done can enjoy emitting the sound by installing the corrugated cardboard of this attachment in the enclosure. We will recommend obtaining it before it passes out of print. The price is confirmed with amazon. |
Complete making of new speaker by oneself
![]() | Complete making of speaker that went out after an interval of 25 years by oneself. The title is "Complete make by oneself about a new speaker. " though it is the fourth work. Various upgrades like the frequency measurement etc. with a self-made amplifier, a self-made speaker, and a personal computer for ipod are achieved according to the age when the content is new. A popular copy of three models (tannoy autograph mini-and 211 and JBL Paragon Al Tech) is published in a past speaker complete making by oneself in standard "Name machine mini-mini-production". It is regrettable that there was no new "Name machine mini-mini-production". The price is confirmed with amazon. |