Speaker pursuit road > the technological chapter of woodwork top of Oyama [mikioto] >
Wiping the woodwork bond off:One.
Wiping the bond off is only it in "After it connects it, the [detekita] bond is beautifully wiped off with the cloth". The reason for the part where the bond remained is that it is irregular and is [nattedeteki] when painting if whether the bond is wiped off is said why. Such..easy..become independent..item..do..say..considerably..difficult..work..woodwork..work..assume..person..mist..do..frequent..mistake..provide.First of all, please look attaching of the red circle of the lower photograph. Is it understood that it is the color irregular?If the woodwork bond cannot be wiped off well, it becomes such feeling.
Then, how can I drop the bond without becoming an irregular color like this?