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Basis of woodwork painting
Let's write an original, basic matter of the condition of painting the speaker by using paints of the do-it-yourself store. Considerably good painting is sure to be able to be done only by defending the item written here.
1 and the bond are wiped off by 100 percent.
This was written by a technological chapter of woodwork. It is necessary to do it is time when assembly. After the bond is thoroughly dropped by the method of the description here, let's do to put attention further and to adjust foundation.
The bond that dryness is as early as [taitobondo] is wiped, and it is [tomura] and [nattedeteki] that colors without fail as for the harpoon left. The masking tape is put at assembly if there is room at time and the bond is prevented from adhering to plywood.
For two, no coloring and painting of the gloss none:The best in the beginner.
Painting with the fewest failures is "No coloring and painting of the gloss none. "The most difficult oppositely one is "It colors and it is glossy and paints. "This is common sense of the woodwork painting.
Because it is not remarkable to forget to wipe the bond described why for no coloring and the gloss none are the best to color no first of all by one off. It is and because it is not easy to stand out because it is transparent that paint is irregular it is possible to do surely if the beginner does. Painting comes how to prevent the failure when it is necessary to do in the environment without the spray gun. By the way, the lauan is not so beautiful though the gloss none of China plywood clearly is considerably beautiful.
3 and coloring color with the wipe paint without fail, and the paint film is made clearly.
Coloring and the paint film making are separately done though this is described in detail in the following "Coloring + varnish of the gloss none (clearness)". This is the [kukudekimasu] in color [murawode] in [souusurukoto] in the method done by painting [ya] professional in woodwork.
It often sees in the do-it-yourself store, and this is failing even if the professional does difficult though the one (one to grow rich in color when painting and going repeatedly) to do "Coloring and the paint film are made" at the same time can seemingly save time and seems to be easy this. (Especially, it is glossy. )�
Four:How to put the sandpaper.
Please do the foundation adjustment. As for the foundation adjustment, # about 280 might be good though it is good in # about 120 for the purpose to drop the bond.
There must be grain in the tree. Paper starts being along grain (In the direction of the fiber). Whenever grain flows right and left, the sandpaper puts paper only on right and left ����. Do not put it on vertical direction ����. After it colors damaging the fiber, it becomes a wound.
In respect of a completed speaker, (corner of plywood), paper must do and take disregarding etc. in the place in which it notes it by the sandpaper by another point. Especially, if respect is not taken when the coloring painting is done, the color is not on a roll there alone and it becomes uncouth.
How to use of five brushes.
This is the most difficult point. The direction that the brush slides as a basic matter becomes basic [ga] along grain as well as the foundation adjustment. After [runodeyokushigoi] of the [poroporo] fall the hair, a new brush uses it. When falling by any chance, it doesn't pick up by the finger and it scoops it with the needle. Notes of the brush paint are "So as not to put it on other adjoining respects, paint it. "It is ended to do the position in which the brush is started from not the corner in respect but the center, to throw the brush right and left, and to pull out power at the edge. Paints can be prevented from dripping because of respect to be painted in this. As other notes, the angle of paint, the piling of about 1/3 from 1/2, and the brush is 30-45 degrees in the brush against the film side as for the painted part.