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Painting 5 of specular urethane to D-88
Final coating + assistant color (coloring) third
The third of complementaries in process. | |
The paste (woodwork bond) covered in the horn opening and [teshimattanode] and here were covered considerably by wall valley's tramping considerably. | |
The color has considerably approached the color of the ideal. It will get it another times though it hesitates whether whereabouts to stop or to make it to the thickness or more. |
Final coating + assistant color fourth(coloring)
Complementary process of the fourth times. | |
Taking a picture has become difficult, too, as the color blackens gradually. [Su-pa-furaminko] today is considerably near it though it is the one that it is the most difficult in taking a picture that shines brightly in the black exactly. | |
The entire tone is matched while doing only detailed irregularity. |
Sanding # 800
After coloring had ended, it ..only leaving.. became it the last clear painting. The last paper cliff. | |
#800[Deno] paper cliff. This cannot use the Sanda mystery. All are the hand work. |
Final coating clearness the first
The process also has approached the final stage of a campaign. | |
It clear paints the clear urethane all gloss of the use. | |
It takes two days to �� re-doing that drips at once when painting it too much here. However, the professional doesn't fail ..so... | |
Taking a picture after painting ends. The thickness of the paint film has been emphasized by the riot though it is not possible to take a picture of the indoor quantities of light weakly and well. |
Final coating clearness the second
Process of the cancer blowing painting end finally. It was long. | |
We wish to express our gratitude really for wall valley's asking a selfish demand here. | |
Terrible of this is ..becoming it.. [-] in the photograph that will not be transmitted. | |
It has looked admiringly at terrible of the remainder for about 30 minutes. I decided will visit next week because I was not able to do if not waiting for about one week even if it was the lowest by going to the process of the polish of last ..following.. really. |