Speaker pursuit road > the D-88 super-flamingo top >
[Finrandoba-chi] version
Afterwards of D-88
Basal condition + [finrandoba-chi] + FE88ES
It exhibited in the auction in June this year, and many people tendered for D-88 super-flamingo of the [finrandoba-chi] version. There was a reluctant to part part, too and the nature was very a borrowing any more only from the strong one though parted with. appropriate for the ear in purchase the equivalent striking a pose this speakerHowever, only the speaker all over the room. With this, the following cannot be made. Thus, the exhibition is determined.
It is k to buy the result.
It very liked D-88, and I got the D-88 report afterwards with mail ten-odd times or more after the large highest praise of D-88 had been gotten. The part is an excerpt this time.�I was surprised at the specular painting finish 12 times momentarily by opening a box first of all. It is wonderful finish. It politely set, and it sounded it for about three hours. Well, it is wonderful ..this... There is no impossibility in the whole tone region, the sound that has not been noticed up to now is emitted for clearing, and there is in a word a lot of volume of information, and the volume is raised instinctively. And, the sound was impressed wonderfully in above all. This thinks that it is in making that [finrandoba-chi] and accuracy are high. I want to confirm it spending time. I feel power to become [rii;farensu]. It values it. It is the ..vocal.. highest. It will E-mail in the future. �
�It was reconfirmed to be reproduced in the round a whole tone natural region it though CD bought yesterday was not able to confirm everything. It is feeling from which all information in the source has come out. However, 20 hertz of Pink Floyd though had written indeed by Mr. Nagaoka before?Sound of [shinzou]. drinkingThe sound or it vibrates though it peels off and [yu] knit was reactive. It did not go out when making it. It was natural. The piano that clears completely is also wonderful. Oh dear the stringed instrument system must be still almost real though is unconfirmed when the Chinese fiddle is heard. Compatibility is preeminent. Is it an effect of [finrandoba-chi]?Then, again. �
Thanks to you, the condition of [finrandoba-chifuramingo] is the ..".. highest. Volume of information..presence..vocal..power of expression..specular..externals..wonderful.It rings very cheerfully and the large satisfaction is continued. If it is general housing conditions, I think it is unnecessary any further. (omission)The interior of the world of the self-made speaker is deep. It is good study.
�The flamingo is volume of information extremely in top condition, a sound field feeling, and doesn't large satisfactorily have the change. The bass is also enough at midnight. �ȊO�ɁH[Derukoto] was confirmed. It is healed only by seeing the specular finish of the scorching tea. �
It excerpted from mail that I took the place this time and the report of D-88 afterwards was told. Thank you for renewing k. The d-88 report in the future is done by the one of the MDF version like last time. Schedule of super-flamingo for next time equipped with FF85K. Begged expectation.
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D-88SuperFramingo |