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What is the element of a popular speaker?
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What is the element of a popular speaker?
Because [mikioto] and Oyama I were driven and started site this corner desire of wanting to choose 15 models of Nagaoka master of popular speaker, to assemble everything actually, and to clarify wanting listen to genuine sound actually and terrible of thatIt referred to a Nagaoka [tetsuotoko] favorite speaker that had gone out to popular Nagaoka [tetsuotoko] speaker that reading that had gone out to "This [bijuaruo-deo-dei;opawa-] goddess of mercy power of the editor in chief of Nagaoka [tetsuotoko]" how to have chosen these 15 models chose and "One's own, handmade speaker of nothing but one is made in the world". And, whether the one, easiness to make, and the ordinary family with high exposure level on the net were able to put it usually at the end were judged overall. Because these 15 models at present are not objected from whom, the selection might be not wrong ..greatly...
What is "Popular speaker" to return to our subject?It thought by forward for a moment though it might be a content on which it reported after it finished making all these of 15 models. It is original with a popular speaker (What is the selling speaker?).
�@The price must be proper.
�AThe sound must be good.
�BThe design must be good.
It might be this three. However, a popular speaker on the market is cheap because the advertisement and business of the speaker manufacturer obtain the prize of the magazine with the authority or how are written of the critic, are good or unskilled, and etc etc. greatly influence popularity and sales and the saying problem that the sound only has to avoid is complex.
On the other hand, I think Nagaoka master's popular speaker to be chosen to be three factors on almost faithfully (Though it is of course different which to be valued according to the subjectivity of the person who chooses). It is because there is little interest. Whether where money drops even if which speaker of Nagaoka [tetsuotokoshi] is made has already been almost decided. As for 15 models that Oyama chose, the level of the factor of three flight cutting might be high among 500 models that Nagaoka [tetsuotokoshi] has designed. (�B valuing of my subjectivity D-37?�@ valuing of D-10 Buckie?�A valuing of D-101s super-Swan?)
A popular speaker of Nagaoka [tetsuotokoshi] that I chose is a result of the selection of people who spent long time, and it can be said that it will be accumulation of the blocked low-cost the high performance tightly blocked though �B design with good �A sound with a proper �@ price is good there.
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