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Attention and evaluation of JBL 4318

Evaluation of Oyama after JBL4318 attention
JBL4318 is a high-ranking version of 4312, and the one that the genealogy derived from 4312. It was put on the market in 2004. The network and the box are different and the tendency to the sound is considerably different from 4312 though it is the same unit by the different one. It can be said that the network is a problem of the favor though the box can be called an upgrade compared with 4312. 4312 applies 4318 in MDF with [pa-chikurubo-do] in the box and the horn is applied to piercing [itahari] + tweeter of the walnut. There is a coil in the subwoofer in 4312 without either on the network of 4318(Highly cut it).
If the difference of the sound is expressed in a single phrase, 4312 is high-speed, and as for ringing [ppuri] valuing (There is seeming in a word past JBL) and 4318, are some obedient and is a delicate feeling somewhat good as for being?Will if it is 4318, it be feeling that it is possible to listen somewhat well though cannot become a nature that indeed listens to the orchestra 4312?
How very the price difference between 4318 and 4312 and also about attaching of the difference of this only in the network and the box by about the twice?4312 is bought if it is me and if only the network is united for myself, it ..stern.. trows it is likely to bring it close to 4318 almost. ,�
The box is piercing board finish of the walnut of 4343 traditions in MDF. Basic..box..too much..money..put..manufacturer..United States..manufacturer..feature..pair..do..this..class..make..essential..change..pierce..board.Present 4312D is a black vinyl chloride seat and here is a part where the favor divides. Though the walnut is taken privately completely.
In optimism in order of [yasu] shop The price of JBL 4318 is examined.
Feature from JBL 4318 catalog
- Equipped with magnetic circuit 2213Nd of high rigidity made of aluminum die cast aerodynamic frame NDD method
- 125mm midrange 105H of polymer Polymer coating corn adoption
- [Pyuachidando-mu] 054Ti-1
- Network where can it connect [baiwaiyaringu], and [passhibubaianpu] drive
- Three [ueibasurefu] (300mm�~1,125mm�~1,25mm�~1)
- Crossing 2 Khz 5 khz
- Size (H�~W�~D)597*362*289
- 19.5k