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Attention and evaluation of TANNOY CANTERBURY

Evaluation of Oyama after TANNOY Canterbury attention
Tannoy Canterbury uses the unit of presige uppermost series to which huge same ax 2way unit of 38 centimeters is driven with the alnico magnet. It is huge though boxes are also smaller than Westminster royals.
This Canterbury SE is additionally attention [shimashita] because it had put it with dynamic audio next to the grain air. The sound is a speaker of "Goodness of ringing [ppuri]" like Westminster and the autograph, etc. or "Ring elegantly" feeling.
It was felt so much that even the sound with smaller 25-centimeter subwoofers such as not good but Stirling was able to be reproduced in a minute input at attention (Tested in the 3rd movement polka of Tchaikovsky 4). Is it still presence in a low region that it is good at 38-centimeter subwoofer of Canterbury?Use in a small room of about seven mats might be still severe.
The sound field is especially wide, and reproduction ..the trunk of the stringed instrument it.. is splendid though neither the cracking ability nor the volume of information of the sound are very felt a lot of when classics of the large organization are heard. I still feel the slowness of standing up stolid somewhat when it comes to hear it from the one made of [fosutekusu] though the vibration board of the unit of the tannoy, especially the large caliber one had been written in old times, the Nagaoka teacher etc. are "Light vibration board".
Why is the design of Canterbury a design that wears roundness though a traditional design that other prestige series are squarish has been succeeded to and it at that feels the sound in present age [totono] somehow?The manufacturer in Japan that can make such a design and the box partially of the sound completely has and is none at all though personally thinks Canterbury's to be the most excellent designing in other prestige series. Do not want to come to be able to make such a speaker in Oyama.
- - to examine price of tannoy Canterbury by optimism in order of [yasu] shop
Feature from tannoy Canterbury catalog
- Same ax 2way [ueibasurefu](38 centimeters)
- Crossover frequency 1.1khz
- Frequency response 28Hz-22khz
- Efficiency 96Db(Wm)
- Size (W�~H�~D) 705*1095*480
- Content product 235L
- 63kg