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Attention and evaluation of TANNOY STIRLING

Evaluation of Oyama after TANNOY Stirling attention
Tannoy Stirling is a model with whom it is familiar for years as the entry-level model of the prestige series. The tannoy It is called a successor of IIILZ.
A modern speaker is heard because of the sound with a voluminous music character that is the feature of the prestige series and the person who was able to become it will think of the sound like a different speaker. A lot, and there are a lot of [tan;oimania] that cannot become a nature that listens to other monitor speakers etc. , too, when it can come to hear it from this when this is heard other speakers in the shop actually and compared though "The cooking stove is narrow, the high region level is especially low, and low region [bo] grows dim ..flat to the taste.." etc. though understood at once are felt.
In the tannoy, the hardening resonance is not solidly excluded, the resonance is integrated with unit [akara] with the [tekuru] sound, and the speaker that aims at the reproduction of a real sound is a feature of this prestige series as for the box. The speaker can be called a speaker with a strong latter ratio though has "Mechanical side" and "Musical instrument side" by any speaker.
The idea of suppressing the box and taking out only the sound from the unit is basically a main current in the speaker, and the idea of using the box partially of the sound is not the main stream. However, any speaker ..this box.. exists more or less. Then, it might be a manufacturer that most seriously thinks about "How can I harmonize with the unit or more?".
I would like you to pay attention to the bonding method of the unit and the baffle. It plays with only four screws between the unit and the baffle bonding the baffle and the unit (This is the same also in Canterbury of 38 centimeters) of this though it is a unit big like this ..moderate.. or compliance is given. The vibration of the unit might be in a word moderate and it be exactly a tannoy in the baffle that can do such ..it is likely to tell (Usually intercept it).. a feat.
There is elegance to accompany a sound, a transparent feeling, a delicate feeling of Stirling or warmth, and no pointed sound. It is plain, and good better than a high-ranking model at reproduction at a small volume though feels the piano some is sweet at [tsubutachi] of the cello contrabass.
- The price of tannoy Stirling is examined by optimism in order of [yasu] shop. -
Feature from tannoy Stirling catalog
- Same ax 2way25 centimeter unit/[basurefu]
- Crossover frequency 1.7khz
- Frequency response 35Hz-25khz
- Efficiency 91db(Wm)
- Size (W�~H�~D) 398*855*368
- Content product 85L
- 23kg