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What are F0, F 0, and [efuzero]?
It is a lowest resonance frequency of the vibration board of F0 and the [hatoha] speaker unit. The mistake is hardly found by thinking the lower bound of a speaker system [karaderu] low region in a word. The unit is Hz.
This value is decided by strength (S0) of weight (M0) and the spring of the size and the vibration board of the caliber of the unit. Neither magnetism nor the electric circuit relate here at all.
�@Size of caliber of unit | F0 falls greatly. | Small |
�AWeight of vibration board | Heavily F0 falls. | Lightly F0 goes up. |
�BStrength of spring | The spring falls and ..whiffling.. [nahodo] F0 falls. | F0 goes up by the spring firm. |
The lower bound of a low region becomes lower as for ten-centimeter unit or 20-centimeter unit because the caliber of �@ unit is large and �A vibration board is heavy if it sees from figure above. (..lower bass.. [deyasukunaru])
[Kokokara] [saki] accident a little
It is a little different though described that it is almost correct by thinking that F0 is the lower bound of a low region of the speaker system actually. It is because f0 rises when the change of the sound pressure level in the vicinity of f0 by relations with Q of the speaker unit (sharpness of the resonance), and the speaker units are put in the enclosure. Air in the enclosure acts on this as power of the spring. (�B It has the same effect as becoming of strength of the spring hardness. )This rising f0 is called f0c. It becomes the lower bound of a unit [karaderu] low region of the speaker system that this is accurate.
It is in a low region part alone to make f 0 a problem for a subwoofer and a full cooking stove that takes charge of a low region, and doesn't become a problem very much in the tweeter etc. that take charge of a high region. It is because it is general not to use resonance part (f0) cutting it on the network.
f 0 can be obtained by the following expression.