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The material used for the vibration board:Two-metal system.
The vibration board that uses the metal is used as a material of the tweeter and a driver of the horn. The specific gravity of the metal is heavier than that of paper because an internal loss is small, non-degree of elasticity is more unsuitable though it is excellent as the vibration board for the bass. The main metal system material used for the vibration board has aluminum, titanium, the beryllium, magnesium, titanium of making to the boron, and the duralumin, etc.
The beryllium is the especially material that excels by calling, "Precious metals of audio" in the characteristic, and is adopted for a lot of high-end faction speakers. Specific gravity..aluminum..ratio..elasticity..rate..sound..sound wave velocity..magnesium.It is safe because it is coated it to the tweeter of course though the beryllium is a material with very strong toxicity.
It is in general because a peculiar resonance to [zai] of the material with high internal loss attaches to the ear though the tweeter of a metal system material thinks a metallic sound to do "[Sharashara]" and for the impression of the sound to exist. An internal loss is high, and as for the material such as "Beryllium" and "Pure magnesium", it is not [pi-ki-] [sagamaru] of the one, and standing up of a metal system tweeter is evaluated that the most excellent tweeter material well now by a low warp though the tweeter used is very expensive.