Book related to audio besides ..speaker pursuit road >..
Issue �T in July of stereo
The stereo magazine being put on the market by the Ongaku-no-Tomo Co. publishes the article on the speaker construction in the established custom in the summer of every year. It is serialized for August and two months of July in a popular corner now, and seeing every year enjoys the contribution from the reader. The back number is very done, and it should go to the National Diet Library and it be read to want to see.
Issue (1978) in June of stereo Construction feature title
 | - Construction mania visit - The player is made. - It makes it from the idea. - The speaker of Nagaoka [tetsuotoko] is made. - Basis of speaker system and "Mt. Hakkoda", "Weekly coral", "Double bass", "Double bass", "DYNALOAD-30", "Corn free", "[Passo] continuo", "PET-2020", and "Beautiful woman of all sides" |
Issue (1983) in June of stereo All one's energy large feature speaker construction
 | - Design/material/reinforcement/absorbing sound/network part speaker design and large sound making research - It challenges ..high quality.. sound for 10,000 yen according to the budget the high quality speaker budget each. - Does the work that equals 50,000 yen of the commercial item 25,000 yen the budget each arise?? - Can the one to surpass 300,000 yen class of the commercial item for 130,000 yen the budget each be made?? - A super-subwoofer corresponding to digital age is made. |
Issue (1984) in June of stereo Making of speaker with good specially three large project- sound
 | - Speaker making that sound is good: Nine careful selection examples Hideo Kaneko, Nagaoka [tetsuotoko], Ryoji Inoue, [yokore] Ishida, [hika] Fukuda, and Saburo Egawa - Nagaoka [tetsuotoko] reference series - Big success D-7MK �V [tsuini] completion - New reference D-70 making to two ways and tune-up - Handmade audio part large complete volume for < standing matter > high sound quality pursuit |
Issue (1985) in June of stereo Large high sound quality handmade speaker research
 | - Five examples of speaker construction = careful selection of Nagaoka [tetsuotoko] - Production of [haikuoi;tei;-] system Creek [jun;ichi**], [yokore] Ishida, Ryoji Inoue, brook Hiroshi [kore], Hideo Kaneko, and Saburo Egawa - Full cooking stove unit research for making by oneself - Construction mania visit - Nagaoka [tetsuotoko] reference series - < standing matter > high sound quality handmade player definitive edition = two examples |
Issue (1986) in July of stereo Large research of speaker construction of digital age
 | - Speaker construction of Nagaoka [tetsuotoko] - D-102�W-13MK�U�AV-3�DB-18�E-9([kemunpasu]) - Two < Hideo Kaneko design > high sound quality the speaker latest examples - Production = three examples of CP ratio good, small high sound quality speaker - Knack knowhow opening to the public that makes speaker with good sound - The main speaker unit project list(country) - The proposal from Saburo < the extra chapter > Egawa: The chair and the rack that prevents the tone quality deterioration are made. - Super-construction mania's transcendence technique work collection |
Issue (1988) in July of stereo Speaker Sunday carpentry that creates sound
 | - Construction expert visit record - Speaker construction of Nagaoka [tetsuotoko] - BS-50 (control 20), R-04(UFO), F-109 (step), D-108 (cobra), and F-110(standard) - Bass reproduction policy of super-- subwoofer and technique of reproduction - The speaker unit and the system are researched. - Speaker production secret technique for hearing it from audio manufacturer |
The issue (1990) in July of the stereo A smooth speaker has been constructed this year.
 | - Nagaoka [tetsuotoko] - D-33,F-30V,F-99,F-40,R-22,F-21,AV-8,F-90 - Saburo Egawa no frame speaker - Three ways that use Hideo Kaneko diamond tone P610 - Self-made speaker introduction of person of man ��33 by collection rare worker |
The issue (1991) in July of the stereo It is audio construction and is [kokoroyoase] in summer.
 | - Nagaoka [tetsuotoko] - D-77,MX-14,W-15,AV-18,R103,D-127AV,MX-28, - Simple audio stand V with sand . �U - Kaneko type high sound quality control center - Saburo Egawa �� tone arm is made by oneself. - The ��42 person introduces the self-made speaker to Japanese nationwide construction man it. |
Issue (1992) in July of stereo Audio construction"It challenges an original speaker. "
 | - Nagaoka [tetsuotoko] - MX-101,F-165,BS-180,MX-18,F-92,SW-222 - Sound field reproduction speaker"Small egg" - High density and high-quality, slim speaker - Micro system and large-scale horn system - Self-made speaker introduction of ��34 person man.. ..largeness.. gathering (Nagaoka [tetsuotoko], Saburo Egawa, Hideo Kaneko, and Ryoji Inoue writing) |
Issue (1994) in July of stereo Speaker construction"Making from my hand and my sound"
 | - Nagaoka [tetsuotoko] - F-35,SS-21,BS-58,F-62,BS-36,E-21 - Speaker construction base course - "Japanese cypress" mark2 - Amplifier making Q&A - Self-made speaker introduction of ��44 person man.. ..largeness.. gathering (Nagaoka [tetsuotoko], creek Junichi, Hideo Kaneko, and Ryoji Inoue writing) |
Issue (1995) in July of stereo Festival of speaker construction
 | - Nagaoka [tetsuotoko] - D-57,F-57,F-200,D-80,BS-82,F-72 - Compete in producing/[fosutekusu] 6N FE103 self-made contest by eight critics - " self-made system listening comparison - Unit dismantlement new book - Resonance of enclosure and the measures - Three high quality way speaker"King in forest" - Self-made speaker introduction of ��50 person man.. ..largeness.. gathering (Nagaoka [tetsuotoko], Saburo Egawa, Hideo Kaneko, and Ryoji Inoue writing) |
All of issue (1996) speaker construction of July of stereo
 | - Nagaoka [tetsuotoko] - F-95,R-50,F-190,BS-108,BS-63,BS-68,BS-20 - Speaker production for contest - "Critic confrontation of eight people" self-made speaker [ki] coming [kurabe] - The first step of speaker design asked to professional - Technique of creek [jun;ichi**] �� finish - It challenges the moai of Nagaoka [tetsuotoko] internal measures-very much of Hideo Kaneko. - Speaker on the market unit list - Self-made speaker introduction of ��46 person man.. ..largeness.. gathering (Nagaoka [tetsuotoko], creek [jun;ichi**], and Hideo Kaneko writing) |
Let's make issue (1997) July of stereo speaker.
 | - Production & attention of six models of new speaker of announcement Nagaoka [tetsuotoko] - summer - D-66, D-10,R-20,BS-83,F-180,SW-17? - 7It challenges self-made speaker competing in producing-Victor SX500DOLCE by person's critic. - Difference of sound according to finish/material - Basic investigation on network - Tool thing thing picture book - Construction man large set self-made speaker introduction - Unit on the market table |
It enjoys July of the stereo self-made issue (1998) construction paradise-speaker.
 | - Six new model announcement of Nagaoka [tetsuotoko] in summer - D-22,D-116,BS-78,BS,61,F-127,R-83 - 7Person's audio critic must exceed challenge-competing in producing LS/5A. - Construction man large set, boast work, and masterpiece seeing - How to make the speaker that knows and is gained is taught. - Design theory with design-experiment report - How to make box where woodwork-sound is good - Only this changes in finish-finish. - Unit on the market table |
Listen to the sound of speaker [ore] made from the issue (1999) me July of the stereo.
 | - Duodenary all model of Nagaoka speaker one [kozoseisaku] - BS-64,BS-96,BS-100,BS-140,D-105,D- 167,F-50,F-54,F-56,F-63,F-67,F-79 - 8They are seven works in speaker competing in producing 12 person works '99-[fosutekusu] 6NFE88ES. - Speaker improvement record of six critics - Boast work of 45 construction man large set manias - Egawa style: Secret of speaker making - Sound of wood and research of sound - This unit heard from the unit manufacturer is such a sound. - The self-made speaker is measured. |