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M0 : with [emuzero].
M0 is vibration system effect mass. It is ,in a word, weight in the part where the unit vibrates. The unit is g.
This M0 concretely :.
- The entire voice coil
- Corn
- Edge damper
- Sum total of air that moves with corn
Of a total of ..drinking..
The speaker unit is decided by strength of weight �B spring of size �A vibration board of the caliber of �@ unit as explained by the item of F0.
The lower bound of a low region can be lowered though efficiency decreases if M0 that is the weight of the vibration board of �A is enlarged in a word. However, if the M0 value is too raised, the luck and the sound parting of the Brahman tend to become bad sounds. Because it becomes impossible to keep strength of corn, it is very difficult to take the M0 value oppositely too low technically.
By the way, the one of the large caliber is suppressed to very this M0 value low as for the full cooking stove type of fostex.